
the future is now

Take chocolate manufacturing to the next level and create unique chocolate designs that could not have been done before. 

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our campaign is over

but you can still take a look
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We truly believe 3d printing chocolate does not have to be difficult. With the choc mate 2 we have simplified the process of printing and designing artisanal chocolate, so anyone can do it!

Start shaping the future of chocolate!

choc mate 2 Logo


Repeatability in every layer, every print and every day.

easy to use

No manual tempering needed.


Less interaction thanks to a large print bed.


Because you can do more than watch your printer.


If you can think of it, you can do it!


Super silent operation to keep you calm when working next to it.
Image Image

we did it again.

After the incredible success and support for our first campaign in 2018, we decided to do it again.
Back then we sold the first iteration of our chocolate printer, and have customers asking for it ever since.
This is why we decided to develop a second generation, which extends the initial design even further and greatly improves usability.

Our second campaign was a huge success and we we have backers from all over the world.

to the campaign page


everything that makes the choc mate different

We truly believe we can offer the optimal solution for printing artisanal chocolate. But what makes us stand out?
Our printers have been delivering high quality results for more than 3 years - even under high intensity load. In this, we have and stay commited to continuously improving our products and processes. 
Over time we learned it is not only chocolate prints many of our customers are seeking, but the ability to do it themselves.

This is why we created the second generation of our choc mate.


made in germany

Developed and designed in Germany. Assembled and tested by ourselves. Sourced with a focus on regional products.

built to last

Built with industrial grade components, the choc mate is built to withstand 24/7 use for uninterrupted production.

super silent operation

Trinamic stepper drivers keep noise to a minimum so you can work close.

designed for speed

Combining magnetic built plates and an integrated preheater with sequential printing leads to less interaction time.

food safety

The choc mate is not a modified 3D printer but designed from scratch for food safety, food hygiene and easy cleaning.

easy operation

No CAD, no manual slicing, and no complicated menus. The choc mate is designed to make operation as easy as possible!

precise temperature control

Two separate temperatures for precision down to 0.1° C. We will keep your chocolate tempered!

wireless connectivity

Wireless file upload and control to make things simple and keep your workplace clean.


With nozzle sizes down to 0.5 mm you can print the finest details while the printer even compensates for uneven surfaces.

automated tempering

When using our chocolate sticks no manual tempering is needed.

also take a look at our tv spot

(german audio)

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Just a little left

technical specifications

All specifications are based on the current model and might change slightly.

Build volume (W - L - H)

340x232x160 mm
12.6 liters

Printer size (W - L - H)

 (inactive) - 483x468x718 mm
(active) - 483x545x718 mm

Noise levels

average 40dB
peak 60dB


100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz
60 W (max)


802.11 b/g/n/ac
RJ45 (10/100/1000)
USB-C | 2.0

Operation temperature

18-22° C for printing chocolate
5-35°C for general operation
-10-50° C for storing


CE and EU food safety regulations
FDA planned


12 kg


about 19,5 kg
60 x 60 x 67 cm


meet the people behind the printer

Benedikt Daschner

Pastry chef

Jan Sonnen

Head of CR-3D

Christian Reil

Computational designer

Simon Vorhammer